Tuesday, January 21, 2020

OSE Class: The Spellsword

The game I am going to running soon will not have Elves as a playable class as I'm taking a slightly different approach to how they are presented. So, if I take one, I should give one back so here is a human-centric class intended to take the place of the fighter-mage in my game. I call it the...

Gaunt and haunted, some say that the Spellsword hunts monsters. Others say they hunt witches and magic-users who have strayed too far from the path towards Chaos. In a world increasingly hostile to Man, they have trained and studied to make themselves a formidable foe but at what cost?
Requirements: Minimum CHAR 9, Minimum CON 9
Prime Requisite: INT and STR
Hit Dice: 1d6

Armor: Any, including Shield.
Weapons: Any Weapon
Languages: Alignment, Common, Elvish
Saves: Half-Elf
Level Progression: Half-Elf
  • Arcane Magic: Use rules for Half-Elf
  • Feel Magic: When spending a Turn focusing, Spellsword is capable of sensing magical enchantments within 60'. Only direction and rough idea of strength can be detected. Must recharge for a Turn after use.
    • Chances: Lvl 1: 15%. Raises 5% every Level.
  • Detect Secret Doors: 2-in-6 chance of discovering secret or hidden doors when searching.

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