Monday, August 17, 2020

OSE Class: The Devout

 In my attempt to integrate Wonder and Wickedness spell casting into my campaign, I decided to tinker with the Cleric to avoid having two different spell casting systems at play. I wanted them to feel distinct and "cleric-like" while still removing the spell list component to the class.

The result is the class below. Enjoy!

The Devout
Requirements: None
Prime Requisite: WIS
Hit Dice: 1d6

Armor: Any, including Shields
Weapons: Any Blunt Weapon
Languages: Alignment, Common
Saves: As Cleric
Level Progression: As Cleric
  • Holy Symbol: Devout must carry with them a symbol of their faith to aid in their mission and focus.
  • Turn Undead: Use rules for Cleric
  • Deity Disfavour: Devouts must be faithful to the tenets of their alignment, clergy, and religion. Devouts who fall from favour with their deity may incur penalties.
  • The Healing Word: A Devout can heal 1HD per level by laying hands on a wounded character. Cannot exceed max HP. Can spend HD used in whatever way they choose. Can also be used to heal Paralysis.
  • Holy Wrath: At 3rd level, Devout may enchant one mundane weapon once per day. Deals additional 1d6 damage for 1 Turn. While enchanted, is considered a magical weapon. Duration increases 1 Turn per level after 3rd.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Static/Skies Supplement


This is Static/Skies. It is a supplement to the The Seattle Hack which is, itself, a Shadowrun supplement to Mirrorshades. Both of these fantastic documents are required in order to use Static/Skies.

What this supplement seeks to do is build out the equipment and magic lists, bring in variable weapon damage, apply some tweaks to how Armor and Magic work, and make small adjustments to terms so it better aligns with Shadowrun. I have also converted the majority of the spell lists in Shadowrun 2e to work seamlessly with The Seattle Hacks magic system.


Edit: So it looks like The Seattle Hack is no longer showing up in the link I provided so I updated it with a link to a copy on my Google Drive.