Monday, August 17, 2020

OSE Class: The Devout

 In my attempt to integrate Wonder and Wickedness spell casting into my campaign, I decided to tinker with the Cleric to avoid having two different spell casting systems at play. I wanted them to feel distinct and "cleric-like" while still removing the spell list component to the class.

The result is the class below. Enjoy!

The Devout
Requirements: None
Prime Requisite: WIS
Hit Dice: 1d6

Armor: Any, including Shields
Weapons: Any Blunt Weapon
Languages: Alignment, Common
Saves: As Cleric
Level Progression: As Cleric
  • Holy Symbol: Devout must carry with them a symbol of their faith to aid in their mission and focus.
  • Turn Undead: Use rules for Cleric
  • Deity Disfavour: Devouts must be faithful to the tenets of their alignment, clergy, and religion. Devouts who fall from favour with their deity may incur penalties.
  • The Healing Word: A Devout can heal 1HD per level by laying hands on a wounded character. Cannot exceed max HP. Can spend HD used in whatever way they choose. Can also be used to heal Paralysis.
  • Holy Wrath: At 3rd level, Devout may enchant one mundane weapon once per day. Deals additional 1d6 damage for 1 Turn. While enchanted, is considered a magical weapon. Duration increases 1 Turn per level after 3rd.

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